Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday, May 27, 2016 THANKS BE TO GOD!

I am very happy to be back in Nazareth Hermitage after being away for the past two months.

As you may have heard, I was caught up in the airport bombing in Brussels on the 22nd of March, 2016. It was a terrible tragic day. So many innocent people killed and wounded in such a senseless act of terrorism. Hundreds of other people were forced to miss their scheduled flights and because all communication networks were shut down they were unable to notify their families or friends. After all the Airport buildings were evacuated there were thousands of people milling outside the airport buildings. Airport security personnel did a commendable job of handling so many worried and concerned people.

I will take time over the weekend to tell you more about this but right now we have a lot of patients that need to be served and the patients always come first.

God bless the many folks who, because of their generosity, enabled me to purchase medicines and medical supplies in the US to bring back to the hermitage.

brother dismas Mary

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