Monday, October 26, 2009

A hermits plea!!!

Two days ago I attended the funeral of Adama. Adama was a beautiful 5 year old boy and the remaining twin of another lad who died last year. Both children had malaria. I do not actively treat children less than 4 years of age but I do send the sick infants overto the local health center and pay for their being seen and medicines. Each child can be seen and cared for $1.00 (in local currency)Normally I put down enough money to care for 20 children and then when I send a referral to the health center the nurses deduct that visit from my balance. Of course this is the high end of the malaria season(actually it lasts all year but this is the worst time). If I don’thave enough money in the Clinic’s account they will generally let me run a tab for a few more patients but then they stop until that is paid up. These two children, both last year and this year, were not brought to me for help so I was unaware of the problem. Sometimes parents wait until they see the child is not going to get better and by then, it is too late.The folks in this area, where the Hermitage is located, are very poor and barely have enough food to feed their families let alone any money to pay for medical treatment. I have been using a portion of my SS money to cover the clinic costs plus part of your donations as well but it leaves me short when I need to buy anti malarial tablets (the curative dose) for the grown ups. Just this week alone I have givenout 10 doses of the Anti Malarial meds and have only two remaining doses left. Obviously the reason for telling you this is to ask your help again intaking care of the folks in this village.When God called me to come here as a hermit I did so willingly and when He showed me what work I would engage in (caring for the sickpoor) I did so willingly. When I realized I would have to become a beggar to keep medicine and supplies up I said OK, but I want to let you know begging is extremely hard for me and I am totally embarrassed to have to keep asking for help. I’m sure the Lord knows this and is using it to teach me a bit of humility but my pride always tries to get the better of me. I have tried writing this begging letter for a couple weeks but pride kept me from finishing it) You probably think that I don’t mind asking for help but I really do. I would have preferred to take care of it all on my own. But I also see that each of you have an active part in this caring for the sick poor. I am justthe 'hands on person'……you are the real supporters of these folks.Without your help I would be unable to keep this work going. This is the 'service' that Christ called everone to...all our brothers andsisters. "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me......" Right now I have reached a low point for all my medicines (Ibuprofen,Naproxen, Acetaminophen [Tylenol], Allergy eye drops, Alka Seltzer, Ranitidine, Povidine antiseptic and things of that sort)and right now I have only a few roller gauze bandages, 2 rolls of paper tape, steristrips and similar medical supplies like them left in my supplies.Paper tape is not sold here but it holds better than adhesive or anyother type of tape. I need more antibiotics, arthritic and joint pain cream, Neosporin cream (not ointment). If any of you feel like sending a care package of Ibuprofen, Naproxen,Tylenol or any over the counter meds they would be received with gratefulness. If you prefer to send a cash donation in any amount you can write a check to me; Brother Dismas

And send it to"

Brother Dismas

C/O Mr. Robert Shrigley

8 Poco Lane

Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507

Bob will deposit your donation into my account and notify me viae-mail…..and I can then cash a check into local currency here and purchase medicines that are needed. Recently I discovered I can purchase Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen at a lower price than the US, as well as antibiotics and antimalarials here at a very reliable wholesale pharmacy. The other items are not available here or are too costly. I have put a list of medical items in my wish list on Amazon but I know they can be found at a lower price elsewhere in the states. Just to get an idea of what I need, you can view the list at:

I guess I have said enough and I beg your forgiveness if anyone feels put out by my plea. I had never done this until I came to Gambia as a hermit and perhaps I am going about it incorrectly but this is all I can figure out to do. I would like to write to each of you individually but that task would take more time than I have.Please, don’t just delete this but take a few minutes to think itover. Ask the Lord what He would have you do and then DO IT!!!! Manyof you have been sending things for a long time and I thank you in the name of the Lord and in the name of my brothers and sisters in Tanje.They are all aware of your kindness and each one tells me they pray for you.This is a real opportunity to be of service to folks you don’t know but folks, nevertheless, who are your brothers and sisters too. I pray God will bless you continually and fill you with HIS peace..

For all mail or parcels, please send to:

Brother dismas (Nazareth Hermitage)

Catholic Mission

PO Box 165

Banjul, The Gambia

West Africa

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